You Did It Again, No Man!

Nirvana Noir

With 14 days left in the crowdfunding period, Feral Cat Den has achieved its first major milestone with the Kickstarter campaign for Nirvana Noir, meeting the funding goal. This significant achievement aligns with the target set by the developers for its predecessor, Genesis Noir, set at $40,000 (approximately 37,319 euros), ultimately surpassed with a total sum of $48,184 (around 44,966 euros).

Exactly six years from that date, following that unimaginable success, the development team can celebrate once again. Sixteen days after the launch of the campaign, Nirvana Noir has officially equaled its predecessor—though it still needs about $8,000 to replicate the success of Genesis Noir—raising a total of $40,005 against a goal of $40,000, thanks to contributions from over 580 backers.

Just a few hours ago, anticipating this major accomplishment, Evan Anthony, the creative lead of Feral Cat Den, expressed his gratitude on behalf of the team to all their supporters: “The campaign is half over and we’re just inches away from reaching our goal of $40,000! Currently 99% funded, wow! We’re super grateful and excited to share our stretch goals and see how much further we can go.”

Nirvana Noir

In the latest update, available alongside previous updates on the Kickstarter campaign page—a valuable resource we highly recommend exploring to uncover details and insights into the development and inspirations behind Nirvana Noir—Evan has explored the musical influences that are shaping the team’s approach to composition. These inspirations are guiding the team as they refine and enhance what has already been a standout feature in Genesis Noir and will continue to be in the sequel: the importance of music in driving the overall experience.

A curated selection of historical pieces has inspired the team to enrich the sonic experience of Nirvana Noir with added variety and dynamism. Drawing from 60s/70s counter-culture, film soundtracks, and classic jazz, these tracks feature esteemed artists and compositions that have left an indelible mark on music history, or whose sounds have particularly inspired the developers. Notable mentions include John Cale, Alain Gouraguer’s “Méditation des enfants” from the animated film “La planète sauvage,” Ennio Morricone, Pink Floyd‘s “Astronomy Domine,” and jazz compositions that resonate with the distinct identity cherished in Genesis Noir. Especially noteworthy is “India,” a memorable composition by saxophonist John William Coltrane, renowned as an icon of saxophone and 1960s jazz music.

As is our custom, we’d like to remind you that the Kickstarter campaign is not yet over! There are still 14 days left, giving the team the opportunity to achieve new stretch goals and for you to contribute to the cause.

For more information about Nirvana Noir, keep following us, and if you haven’t already, take a look at our first coverage of the title to learn more. Additionally, if you’d like to experience Nirvana Noir firsthand, don’t miss the opportunity to try out the free demo, still available on Steam at the following link.

Best of luck to Feral Cat Den as the Kickstarter campaign continues. Stay tuned for all future updates!

Grown up with MediEvil and DOOM and fascinated by the video game world since 1998. This passion stems from a desire to discover and research the videogame at 360 degrees, with particular attention to the Indie scene.