Hades II is gearing up to welcome a fresh and stellar cast of brand-new characters. Let’s discover the ones that Supergiant Games has unveiled so far…

Hades II

As we approach the latter half of 2023, the juicier tidbits of information about Hades II, the highly anticipated sequel that Supergiant Games is meticulously crafting, continues to sprout and thicken. Some can already catch the alluring aroma of Early Access on the horizon, while others are on a quest to unravel which figures from Greek Mythology might compose the fresh ensemble of the Underworld.

As for the specifics of Early Access, we are in the dark about the date, at least until Supergiant Games decides to lift the veil on the matter. However, we can retrace our steps to the day when the developers officially unveiled the sequel to The Game Awards audience and reveal which characters, revealed thus far, have earned a place in the splendid new cast of characters.

Therefore, without further ado, let’s uncover who they are and get to know them better.

Melinoë: Princess of the Underworld (Judy Alice Lee)

Hades II

Known in one of the Orphic Hymns as a chthonic deity, a harbinger of nightmares and madness, Melinoë is a figure as enigmatic as she is emblematic in Greek Mythology. Indeed, some surviving accounts have frequently associated her with Hecate, believing them to be the same person and entity.

Melinoë is the daughter of Hades and Persephone, from whom she inherited the fascinating heterochromia,—possessing a red eye from Hades and a green eye from Persephone—much like her elder brother Zagreus. Taking a prominent role in Hades II, she stands in rivalry with the Titan of Time, Chronos (her grandfather). Exhibiting a resolute and intense temperament, the Princess of the Underworld showcases her innate, adept, and audacious warrior essence right from the initial combat frames, alongside her mentor Hecate. A distinctive hallmark of the goddess is her spectral left arm, manifesting as a vividly green and translucent appearance, which unveils skeletal features.

Distinguished by a pale yellow-green skin (this skin hue could be the origin of the goddess’s name), Melinoë boasts a slender and nearly flawless physique. She wears a thin orange dress adorned with metal ornaments (the same ones Hecate wears), which we could aptly describe as krokopeplos, meaning “clad in saffron,” a captivating epithet used to describe the goddess in the invocation of the Orphic Hymn. The weapons she wields in the trailer are a dagger and a crescent-shaped scythe, which will likely become the protagonist’s most iconic weapons.

Melinoë’s voice in Hades II will be brought to life by the young Korean-American actor and musician, Judy Alice Lee, an artist who needs no introduction, as we have previously discussed. For more information about the leading character of Hades II, take a look at our dedicated special coverage.

Hecate: Headmistress and Goddess of Witchcraft, Necromancy, Doorways, and Crossroads (Amelia Tyler)

Hades II

Known as “She Who Holds the Keys to the Cosmos,” Hecate was considered one of Ancient Greece’s most powerful, enigmatic, and revered deities, as well as the Goddess of Magic and Mistress of Darkness. Legends tell that she ruled over everything that shared an inherent bond with the realm of shadows, malevolent demons, the night, the moon, ghosts, and even the departed. Hecate was also invoked by practitioners of dark magic and necromancy.

Goddess of Witchcraft, Necromancy, Doorways, and Crossroads, Hecate is a deity often closely associated with the Moon. In the reveal trailer of Hades II, we become acquainted with her as the Headmistress and Mentor of Melinoë and Nemesis. Her background, as well as her connection to the Underworld and Olympus, remains partially veiled in mystery, although there is belief that she may share close familial ties with Artemis and Apollo, possibly as a maternal cousin.

Her appearance as a dark witch makes her an enigmatic and cryptic figure, to the extent that we can discern little of her physical form, except for her toned physique, navel, and her radiant green-blue eyes. She wears a large, wide-brimmed hat and a purple cape over her blue dress, embellished with pink and gold accents. Furthermore, her attire is adorned with shining pauldrons shaped like heads on each shoulder, connected to her neckpiece and veil, which feature metal moons.

Hecate masters a cunning and fast-paced fighting style, wielding powerful enchanting spells and magical traps. She engages in combat as a seasoned veteran, relying on magic, sorcery, spells, and her faithful signature weapons: a pair of Torches.

In her role as a Mentor, Hecate has nurtured her young protégé, Melinoë, and training her as a warrior. She imparts her vast knowledge of magic and shares the depths of her magical wisdom.

Hecate will be voiced by the experienced and talented British voice actor, Amelia Tyler, who has a prolific track record in video game voice acting, having played roles such as “The Narrator” in Baldur’s Gate 3 and “The Siren Queen” in Sea of Thieves, to name a few.

Nemesis – Retribution Incarnate (Becca Q. Co)

Hades II

In Ancient Greek, “Nέμεσις,” derived from “νέμω” (literally, meaning to distribute), Nemesis was revered by the Ancient Greeks as the Guardian and Preserver of universal order and balance, as the Goddess of Revenge and Retribution, against the sin of hubris.

As the daughter of the Night Incarnate Nyx, Nemesis inherits her full allure, beauty, and grace. In Hades II, she is portrayed as an unwavering and valiant warrior with a formidable temperament. She stands tall, exuding majesty and imposing stature, boasting well-defined muscles and an enviable physique. Her lustrous, lengthy black hair, inherited from her mother, frames shimmering golden eyes, and two expansive wings adorned with crimson accents envelop her head. Clad in silver armor as resilient as steel, embellished with ornate gold and red motifs, she wields a small shield and a razor-sharp sword with a skull-like hilt.

Nemesis is perhaps the most vivid embodiment of Nyx’s resilience and unwavering personality, surpassing all others among the progeny of the Night Incarnate. Additionally, we are aware that, like Melinoë, Nemesis is a pupil of Hecate, and consequently, she experiences both anger and disappointment that Hecate chose Melinoë, instead of her, to face Chronos.

We presume that Nemesis could potentially be one of the numerous allies standing by Melinoë’s side in Hades II. However, Supergiant Games might choose to employ her in alternative roles, such as a mid-boss, similar to Asterius in Elysium, or as a supporting combat partner, much like Thanatos is to Zagreus.

Nemesis will be voiced by Becca Q. Co, an Asian American actress, voice actor, writer, director, and singer with an impressive track record in video game voice acting, including titles like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II and Grand Theft Auto: Diamond Casino. She has also lent her voice to series on HBO Max, Netflix, and Disney+.

Moros – Doom Incarnate (Sterling Sulieman)

Moros - Hades II

Known in Ancient Greece as the personification of destiny in its most adverse and inevitable guise, in Hades II, Moros emerges as the personification of Doom, the Three Fates, and Inevitability.

As the son of Nyx, Moros seems inherently intertwined with the Moirai, and is the only one among his kin and relatives to maintain a connection to the design of his three sisters, the Moirai. This is exemplified by his distinctive weapon—a sizable, needle-like sword. Presumably, he will act as the spokesperson and representative of the Three Fates, bearing the responsibility for all the consequences they will unleash upon Melinoë.

Moros presents himself as a statuesque figure endowed with a sculpted physique, ash-gray skin, and purple eyes inherited from his mother Nyx, the same as his brother Thanatos, with whom he shares another trait, his long white hair, which gracefully spills over a pair of gnarled antlers. His attire, almost devoid of armor except for robustly adorned shoulder pads and intricately adorned pieces of armor on his neck, is embellished with fabric and glistening skulls, showing and reminding his deep connection to the fate-weaving functions of the Moirai.

Much like the case of Nemesis, Moros currently remains a character shrouded in mystery, and his purpose in the Underworld is equally enigmatic. Nevertheless, his intentions seem far from questionable or perilous, as evident from his interactions with the lead protagonist in the reveal trailer. This is precisely why we believe he will join Melinoë’s mission against Chronos. We couldn’t expect anything less from the son of Nyx and her esteemed lineage.

In Hades II, Moros will be voiced by Sterling Sulieman, a highly talented American actor and voice actor renowned for his contributions to significant video game projects, including his roles as Tyrell Patrick in Resident Evil 3 Remake and Nirik and Arorro in Horizon: Forbidden West.

Dora – Listless Shade (Erin Yvette)

Dora - Hades II

Our available sources are still not enough to determine which character from Greek mythology may have inspired Supergiant Games’ design of Dora, the delightful listless shade featured in Hades II.

However, if we consider that in Hades, Dusa is a gorgon clearly inspired by Medusa (Me-Dusa), we might presume that Dora could be an abbreviation and thus a character inspired by Pandora or even Anesidora (an epithet of several goddesses and mythological figures). The interpretations that Supergiant Games might have drawn from this character are numerous, so let’s take it step by step.

The only “reliable” clue we have is that Dora might be somehow inspired from the name’s origin, Δώρα, a diminutive of Dorothea. In Greek mythology, Dora was a beautiful nymph who resided on Mount Parnassus, the daughter of the god Dionysus and Kabiro, a sea nymph dwelling on the island of Lemnos. Nevertheless, the name Dora carries diverse meanings and connotations, shaped largely by the various cultures it is connected to, as well as historical and mythological influences. Consider, for instance, Spain, where the name Dora is a diminutive of Isadora, meaning “Gift of Isis,” a direct reference to the ancient and revered Egyptian fertility goddess.

In Hades II, Dora takes the form of a petite and endearing fluorescent green shade, with long hair cascading over her yellow-green eyes, nearly concealed by a lush fringe. She gracefully hovers in the air and possesses dainty, cat-like paws for hands. Dora is a character who exudes joy and cheerfulness, yet she also harbors a sensitivity to anger. She has a contrasting alter ego, one filled with ire and fury. All of these features make Dora an exceedingly unique, enigmatic, dual-natured, and multifaceted character.

Dora will be voiced by the American actor and voice actor Erin Yvette, a well-known figure in the world of video games, who has lent her voice to numerous projects, including prominent roles such as Arlecchino “The Knave” in Genshin Impact, Shael, Lokattok, and additional voices in Horizon: Forbidden West, not to mention her recent role as Ayre in Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon.

Are you curious to learn about her less graceful counterpart?

??? (Erin Yvette)

Dora counterpart

“You trifle with powers far beyond your comprehension, witch.”

With these words, this enigmatic character welcomes us. A shadowy and frightening floating spirit that we come to realize is the aggressive and “malevolent” counterpart to the listless shade Dora. Although Supergiant Games has not unveiled the true identity of this character, it is clear that it represents some form of alter ego for Dora, evident through two specific details.

The first, her appearance, is nearly identical to Dora’s, except for her darker, more ominous, intimidating look that completely hides her “face” behind a veil of darkness, exposing only her angry expression and yellow eyes, and cascading, lengthy hair.

The second detail becomes apparent by simply watching the reveal trailer of Hades II, during the brief exchange between Melinoë and this character. As observed, the in-game frame showcases a different dialogue line compared to the one with the listless shade, though within the same scene. This suggests that Dora’s counterpart may not be a metaphysical entity, but rather one facet of the shade’s multifaceted personality.

In short, Dora embraces her dark side – her more aggressive, hostile, and anger-prone counterpart. In other words, the antithesis of the gentle and calm Dora. Nonetheless, she doesn’t manifest as a hostile being, but more as a spirit particularly susceptible to anger and with an eruptive nature.

This will provide voice actor Erin Yvette with an opportunity to challenge herself with an exceedingly complex character and its duality, not only in terms of personality but also vocally. It will showcase the actor’s extraordinary talents and adaptability across various roles and characters, qualities for which she has already established a reputation in her previous performances.

Apollo – God of Light (Colin Ryan)


God of Music, medical arts, sciences, intellect, and prophecy, Apollo is one of the most majestic and regal deities of Olympus. In Greek myths, he is revered and respected as the God of the Arts and the Leader of the Muses, as well as “the one who pulls the chariot of the sun, escorting the burning star through the celestial vault.” His symbol is the lyre.

In Hades II, Apollo appears in radiant and regal form, as if bathed in the very light of the sun. He has the appearance of a refined and powerful deity, with dark skin and curly blond hair that harmonizes with the hue of his eyes. All of this is crowned by an elegant wreath of laurel. He wears gleaming golden armor with a stylized sun at its heart, the same emblem that adorns his boon. A sumptuous and fine blue cloak covers his back and shoulders, protected by beautiful golden shoulder guards adorned with a laurel motif. Beneath the armor, he wears an elegant and simple garment held by a sturdy solid gold belt, embellished with the ever-iconic laurel patterns. The God is also adorned with pieces of fabric, exquisite jewelry, and ornaments that adorn his limbs and neck, along with shiny earrings. Apollo wields a long and refined golden bow with long strings, reminiscent of the strings of a lyre.

As the God of Light and the twin brother of Artemis, Apollo will be one of the main allies of the protagonist Melinoë, as well as one of the new Olympian Gods offering his divine boons to help her in her battle against Chronos.

The Apollo’s Boons revealed to us so far are three, all showcased in the reveal trailer, which include:

  • Nova Strike: Your Attacks deal more damage in a larger area.
  • Blinding Sprint: Your Sprint is faster and inflicts Daze on nearby foes.
  • Clarifying Light: While standing in your Casts, gradually restore Magick.

From the trailer, we also learn that his Status Curse is Daze; however, its specific effect remains undisclosed.

Apollo - boons

Apollo will be voiced by Colin Ryan, an actor with an extensive theater background, known for giving voice to captivating characters on television, including the prominent role of Leonardo in the series “Leonardo de’ Medici” and that of Enrique of Malacca in “Boundless.” In the world of video games, Colin Ryan is renowned for his performances as Yuri in “The Last Story” and as Alphinaud in “Final Fantasy XIV.”

Chronos – Titan of Time (Voice Actor: To Be Announced)

Imprisonment, isolation, rebellion, tyranny.

Known in Greek Mythology as the King of Titans and the God of Time, Chronos takes center stage as the main villain in Hades II. As the Titan of Time and God of Stations, Chronos is the father of Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus, as well as the grandfather of Melinoë and Zagreus.

Banished alongside the other Titans to the depths of the Underworld by his own son, Hades, the time for Chronos’s long-awaited vengeance has arrived. Having broken free from his confinement and even having chained his own son, Chronos now stands ready to wage war against Olympus. It’s only a matter of time before he claims his throne.

Details regarding Chronos’s appearance, personality, and affiliation remain shrouded in mystery. Nevertheless, we do know that he is the most powerful Titan, the one who governs the laws of time. Furthermore, his role as the main villain may lead other formidable Titans, including Rea, Hyperion, and Teia, to join his mission of destruction.

Supergiant Games has yet to unveil the voice actor who will bring the formidable Chronos to life. We look forward to what the team has in store for us in the near future.

Grown up with MediEvil and DOOM and fascinated by the video game world since 1998. This passion stems from a desire to discover and research the videogame at 360 degrees, with particular attention to the Indie scene.