Smoother and cleaner combat animations, new weapon hints, the Outfit Change System, and a unique system for swiftly switching between weapons to make the combat dynamic and engaging… Let’s take a look at how ACE is changing and shaping the combat style of AIKODE’s main protagonist, Aiko.

We’re back with important news and updates on AI-KODE, the captivating Action RPG Hack and Slash solo-developed by ACE. Want to learn more about the project but missed our main coverage of the game? Well, you can always catch up by clicking here.
Now, where were we? Ah, yes. Today, we return to discuss this fascinating title, crafted by the 23-year-old Spanish developer ACE. Today, we focus specifically on the combat system, taking a closer look at the complex combat style of the main protagonist, Aiko, and highlighting all the new features ACE is working on to make her combat style truly unique.
So, let’s delve into the specifics and explore the key details about what these features are and how they are integrated into AIKODE’s combat.
In AIKODE, every character has their own story, background, and their unique combat style
In one way or another, in AI-KODE, every character will be unique, distinct from the others, whether we’re talking about storyline, background, or in terms of the combat system. Consider, for instance, the fact that out of the (approximately) 15 playable characters, only 5 will have the opportunity to engage in combat phases. The others will still be significant characters, at times crucial to the main quest line, but with a different role and purpose.
We can observe these character uniqueness even in combat. And we’re not just referring to the weapons provided to the characters or the skills they can learn, but entirely different combat styles and approaches, unique move sets, and powers that only that character can master. Aiko herself is no exception to this rule.

Let’s consider the motion and combat animations. We could say that Aiko fights in an elegant, graceful manner, almost tiptoeing (bearing some resemblance to Nia’s style in certain aspects), but unique, primarily due to the aggressiveness with which she wields her weapons, the ferocity with which she strikes, and the cold-bloodedness of an assassin when she pulls the trigger.
During these months of solo development, ACE has dedicated time to enhance, refine, and polish character animations, adapting them to various phases of the combat system, improving the overall sensation and the way a spectator can observe and analyze that character’s combat style. A noteworthy improvement, for instance, is Aiko’s in-game animation when she dematerializes to move from one part of the battlefield to another, maintaining the flow of her combos.
As we’ve previously mentioned, each character is unique. Therefore, it’s not just the perceptions, sensations, and impact that combat animations can have on players that vary, but also the gear, weapons, and abilities from one character to another. However, we’ll delve deeper into this aspect in the following section.
What is the SET?
One of the major innovations introduced by ACE in AIKODE is a unique weapon called “SET,” capable of mechanical transformations between three distinct combat modes: short, long, and ranged, all with a simple button press (short/sword = circle, long/scythe = triangle, ranged/gun = R1 on a PlayStation controller). As ACE herself points out, most of the combat tests featuring Aiko have employed a predefined set configuration, which includes a sword, scythe, and gun.
However, this represents just a small fraction of the SET’s potential. During combat, players will have the freedom to switch to alternative SET setups, all of which share the same mechanical transformation but assuming different forms. For instance, players may have access to a “Heavy SET,” equipping them with a great sword and a bazooka.
Imagine these various SET configurations as dynamic “stances” that grant access to different combat styles, each suited for various situations and unforeseen challenges during combat phases. A heavier combat style, for example, might be recommended against colossal bosses or particularly formidable enemies, whereas a lighter style could ensure quicker reactions for Aiko, enabling her to dodge swiftly.
One of the primary objectives is to make AIKODE’s combat system highly adaptable and customizable, offering everyone the opportunity to choose their own style. Remember when we talked about the concept of freedom? For ACE, this is a part of it too.
The Outfit Change System
While you’ve grown accustomed to ACE’s hidden messages and the cryptic nature of AIKODE, this time it’s not quite what you might expect.
Taking a look at ACE’s recent updates, we can spot a clip showcasing a special animation where Aiko’s short dress transforms into a long black gown during combat. This process, or rather feature, is referred to by the developer as the “Outfit Change System.” What exactly is it, and what are its unique qualities?
It’s a highly intriguing, one-of-a-kind feature that allows Aiko to switch between different outfits during combos, each paired with entirely distinct weapons and abilities. As ACE points out, while her primary outfit relies on the default SET, one of the outfits employs a weapon known as the “puppet chain,” one of the most fascinating weapons we’ve seen so far, likely gifted by The Puppet, which acts as a potent elemental whip.
ACE also reminds us that the weapons, the SET, and the Outfit Change System are exclusive to Aiko. All other playable characters will employ different weapons and systems.
We’d like to remind you that AIKODE will be released soon on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. Keep following us for all the latest project updates, and be sure to visit the game’s X page to stay updated on all the upcoming news.