A JUGGLER’S TALE: Our review of kaleidoscube’s little masterpiece
A Juggler’s Tale is the new project by kaleidoscube: a small German studio that transports us to the unfortunate life of the puppet Abby.
A story full of meanings and symbols in which the player has the role of participating spectator.
Abby‘s fate hangs in the balance (literally) and her only hope is to escape the loneliness and everyday life that torments her.

An Unexpected Escape
A Juggler’s Tale tells a short but exciting story with important themes that remind us of everything but a children’s fairy tale.
At the beginning we find ourselves as spectators at a classic puppet show, where we will interact for the first time with the protagonist.
In fact, Abby works at a circus and jumps carefree thinking about how happy and blissful her life is.

The reality, however, is quite different. When there are no shows she is in fact locked up in a cage, deprived of living her life freely.
Abby will therefore try to escape her bitter fate by bravely facing the thousand dangers that will be part of her path.
A Simple and Fascinating Gameplay
The plot is divided into 5 acts. It is presented as a strong and emotional journey, where the story and the setting become the main architects.
The gameplay is simple and intuitive and looks like a horizontal scrolling 3D adventure.
Abby can interact with various props, jump, throw and run but she can’t absolutely fight.
The medieval-style setting is also very fascinating with some very suggestive scenarios.

The stealth phases and the environmental puzzles make the adventure slightly challenging. All this creates a mix that is never banal or repetitive.
It will therefore be essential to understand immediately how to move, since each area has different obstacles, enemies and solutions.
The wires also limit the movements of the protagonist, forcing the player to climb over obstacles from above.
Finding ourselves in a world of puppets, even the enemies will feel the same problems as us and will not be able to chase us when the setting does not allow it.
It will therefore be our duty to hinder or trap them, exploiting the obstacles and traps in our favor.

The Weak Points
A Juggler’s Tale is undoubtedly a successful project, but one that stumbles upon some mishaps that limit the experience.
The 5 acts personally seemed too short, especially for the development of an excellent gameplay, but limited to a few actions and situations.
There is also no real incentive for completing all trophies, also given by the lack of the platinum trophy.
An Exciting and almost Perfect Story
A Juggler’s Tale transports the player to a fascinating world, where the puppets become the architects of their own destiny.
The previously mentioned flaws have by no means spoiled the gaming experience in its entirety, but instead want to be a tip for future kaleidoscube projects.
I really enjoyed Abby’s story which manages to be interesting and exciting right up to the end credits.
I also appreciated the differentiation of the plot aspects according to some important choices that Abby will make during her journey.
A praise to the omniscient narrator of German nationality that makes the adventure even more immersive than the English dubbing.
A Juggler’s Tale is a title suitable for almost everyone: from the youngest up to those who prefer a strong narrative component and gameplay full of enigmas and environmental puzzles.
A Juggler’s Tale