StarCraft universe is a modded MMO based on StarCraft 2 universe. Developed by Upheaval Arts, it’s playable for free in the arcade section of StarCraft 2 starter edition.

Why was the StarCraft Universe created?

StarCraft is an important RTS series by Blizzard, with a great story and very well-written characters. The series has a great success in Esport and much love from fans, but for many years the series is having a slow death caused by Blizzard.

After the second chapter and many failed experiments, like the unfortunately canceled StarCraft Ghost (an action/stealth game with the Ghost Terran Nova) and the recently canceled (StarCraft FPS), because Blizzard wants to concentrate on the development of Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4.

The reason why the StarCraft universe was created, is the attitude of Blizzard, that never uses the hidden potential of the StarCraft series. Due to this situation, in 2011 a modder called Winzen and a team started the work on a total conversion mod with the creation tool of StarCraft 2.


The Born of the MMO

StarCraft universe started the development in 2011 with the name “World of StarCraft”, but Blizzard removed from you tube the promotional videos, calling this a Copyright infringement.

Winzen replied that he would stop the development of the game if that was what Blizzard wanted. Blizzard replied that they didn’t want to stop the project, because they wanted to see the development go on. Blizzard invited the team to meet the developers in the campus of the company. In february 18, 2013, Winzen and his team released “Chronicles of fate” the first custom map of the game.

With the Blizzard approval, the team launched a kickstarter campaign for the development of the game in August 2013, with a goal of 80000$ and Stretch to goals up to $1 million.

The campaign ended on September 10 and the goal was reached.


How The Game Works

The StarCraft universe offers a classic mmo experience.

Character creation: The player needs to choose from two species Terran and Protoss and select from the four classes offered for all factions.

Terran classes

Marine: heavy infantry soldier, normally used for offensive and defensive operations. Class suitable for a direct approach in combat.

Medic: light infantry soldier, unit used for support and healing combat units.

Firebat: infantry soldier specialized in close quarter combat, equipped with a dual arm mounted flamethrower. Support classes for the heavy infantry.

Ghost: an assassin and stealth soldier with psionic powers. Equipped with sniper rifles, blades, knives and implants. A class for stealth actions.

Protoss classes

Zealot: soldier class equipped with dual Psy blades, a good class for close quarter combat.

Dark Templar: a class can use different technologies from the Protoss. An ideal class for support.

High Templar: a light unit can support soldiers with psionic powers. Support class.

Preserver: support class.

After the selection is recommended to play the two tutorial maps and start the real game.

Space exploration

The character has a spaceship and he can travel to many planets on the star map. During the journey many casual encounters can come and attack the ship. These groups are big and it needs a good organization to defeat it. The defense of the ship during the attack has three mechanics:

Control spaceship status: the ship can be damaged and It needs repairs for its working.

Turret defenses: the ship has some turrets, can be used by some group members and defend more effectively from an attack.

Boarding: large groups of enemies can board the ship, this situation is very dangerous and requires good organization in combat. After the journey that It can last a long time waiting, depending on the distance of the planet.

Planets Exploration

The player can explore freely all planets of the star map. They can find quests, dungeons and unique bosses like World of Warcraft.

The character can explore the planets walking or with different vehicles like:

SCV:  a vehicle with a single place, can be used for restoring health to neutral or friendly mechanical units.

TROOP TRANSPORT: vehicle with multiple slots for players. The first player to use it becomes the driver, he can use the different abilities of the vehicle like “Engine Overdrive” which makes the TROOP TRANSPORT faster but consumes more fuel.

TANKER TRUCK: a slow vehicle with a single slot for the player. This truck can be used to refuel the other vehicles and like a bomb, because after some damage the vehicle explodes and instantly kills the driver and the explosion gives serious damage in the area.

ARMORED PERSONNEL CARRIER: a huge vehicle with multiple slots for players, the driver can use “engine overdrive” to move faster and deploy troops from the rear.

The player can play the game with a group of friends and the experience totally changes.


The future of the project

The kickstarter was a success and reached the goal of 80000$. Upheaval Arts in the kickstarter starter page release the goals of the game, for now only two targets are reached.

The future of the game is uncertain, but it is still playable. Maybe Blizzard, with the recent acquisition of Microsoft, can give new life to the StarCraft franchise with new games and projects.

This project can be a great inspiration and a good lesson for Blizzard.

See you on Aiur!

Hello I'm luke, I'm a gamer of 27 years old and I live in Brescia. Always at the research of new experiences in gaming and cinema sectors