The Cabin Factory, a horror video game developed by International Cat Studios and published by Future Friends Games, was released on December 13, 2024. The game is currently available for PC via the Steam platform.

The Cabin Factory Release Date Reveal Trailer (Steam PC)

Forget isolated woods and abandoned houses; in The Cabin Factory, horror emerges between freshly assembled walls in a setting that should feel reassuring with its modernity and functionality. Yet, as players soon discover, something dark lurks in the crevices of these structures, turning a routine job into a struggle for mental sanity. Psychological horror blends seamlessly with simulation elements, creating a tense and suspenseful atmosphere.

The Disturbing Routine of the Cabin Inspector

In The Cabin Factory, players are new inspectors tasked with evaluating prefab cabins, classifying them as “SAFE” or “DANGEROUS.” Initially, the task seems routine: enter, inspect, and report anomalies. But the atmosphere quickly shifts, making each inspection tense and unnerving.

The Cabin Factory

The game focuses on psychological tension over jump scares. The environment is filled with unsettling details: flickering shadows, misplaced objects, and strange sounds. The cold factory setting heightens the sense of isolation, trapping players in a place where something sinister lurks within the walls. The routine work becomes a backdrop for terror, turning each cabin into a source of mystery and fear.

The Psychology of Liminal Spaces

The Cabin Factory excels at using liminal spaces-environments that evoke unease and disorientation. The prefab cabins, awaiting their final destinations, embody this idea with ambiguity and tension. Horror creeps into small details: a fleeting reflection or a distant noise, prompting players to interpret what’s happening.

The storytelling is fragmented and suggestive, not explicit. Hidden clues and cryptic messages throughout the cabins invite players to piece together a larger narrative, never giving clear answers. This approach deepens the mystery, creating an immersive, unsettling experience. The absence of jump scares and focus on atmosphere rewards players’ attention to detail and emotional engagement.

A Short but Memorable Experience

The Cabin Factory isn’t a long game; players can complete the entire experience in about an hour. However, its brevity strengthens the game, maintaining high tension from start to finish and avoiding repetition. Each cabin presents a new challenge and a fresh source of unease.

The visuals, though not technically advanced, maintain stylistic consistency and effectively create an oppressive atmosphere. Lighting, in particular, enhances the sense of claustrophobia. The audio design also plays a critical role, with realistic sound effects and a minimalist soundtrack that intensify the tension.

The Cabin Factory

In conclusion, The Cabin Factory offers a unique horror experience, focusing on psychological tension and atmosphere rather than traditional jump scares. The combination of liminal spaces, implicit storytelling, and industrial settings makes it a memorable title, leaving players with a lingering sense of unease even after the game ends.

Despite its short duration, the game deeply engages and unsettles, proving that horror doesn’t need big budgets or elaborate visual effects to be effective. If you’re seeking a short yet intense horror experience, The Cabin Factory definitely deserves a place in your collection.

If you want to know more:

The Cabin Factory Official Website

International Cat Studios Official Website

Future Friends Game Official Website

The Cabin Factory on Steam

The Cabin Factory

“The Cabin Factory, a horror video game developed by International Cat Studios and published by Future Friends Games, was released on December 13, 2024. The game is currently available for PC via the Steam platform. “


  • Originality/Atmosphere: A unique setting and psychological tension create a horror experience unlike any other.
  • Psychological Tension: Focus on discomfort and paranoia rather than jump scares.
  • Intensity: A brief yet intense experience.


  • Limited Gameplay: Repetitive inspection.
  • Brevity: Short longevity for some.
  • Implicit Storytelling: Unclear storyline.


Passionate about video games from a young age, I combined my love for illustration and became a Twitch streamer. I am a creative individual who loves to share the joy of games and art with a close-knit community