After overcoming insurmountable obstacles, GSC brings us back to the Zone with a sequel that blends narrative magic and technical imperfections.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is one of the titles with the most dramatic and tortuous production history: from the studio’s closure in 2011 to its reopening in 2014, GSC’s journey has been marked by numerous challenges. During the closure, a new studio emerged—responsible for the Metro saga—founded by former GSC employees.
The project underwent several restarts, three script rewrites (the latest of which became the official version), and a change in game engine, transitioning from X-RAY 2 to the newer and more problematic Unreal Engine 5. The last few years have been particularly difficult, marked by the COVID pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine, which forced the studio to relocate to Prague to ensure safe development, supported by the Xbox team. The release of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 in November was nothing short of a miracle. The work done is impressive, even though several issues—both major and minor—still need to be addressed. The Zone, as always, embodies both light and shadow. Join us as we explore every detail of this unique experience.

The Story of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 stands out as a timeless title thanks to its narrative quality, which treats the player as an adult capable of analyzing and interpreting the game world on multiple levels. In the world of Stalker, absolute good and evil do not exist. Instead, a complex scale of grays defines the moral landscape. The Zone reflects human nature taken to the extreme, and the player occupies only a small role within it. Unlike many modern games, the protagonist is an ordinary stalker—a “nobody.” Understanding this fundamental aspect is essential because the story’s complexity might feel chaotic to players unfamiliar with the basics established in the original titles.
Campaign and Choices
The main campaign consists of 36 missions, each unique in design, diversity, and steadily increasing difficulty. The number and length of these missions strike a perfect balance to ensure smooth gameplay. The side missions in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 also show great attention to detail. While they may not reach the excellence of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, they deliver intriguing subplots. One mission, for example, forces players to decide whether to spare or eliminate a Monolith member. Choices and alliances significantly impact the game, especially after a crucial event that radically shifts the Zone’s balance of power, creating new opportunities and dangers.
As a sequel, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 carries the weight of long-standing anticipation. It not only meets those expectations but surpasses them. The game masterfully intertwines fresh faces with beloved returning characters, enriching its narrative depth. Standout moments include discussions between Strider and Faust, dialogues with Dalyn, and conversations with the enigmatic Richter. Each character is meticulously crafted, showcasing intricate personalization that brings them to life. However, players should tread cautiously—forming attachments might prove bittersweet. With an array of dialogue options, the game empowers players to dive deeply into individual backstories, shaping how they navigate the morally complex decisions that define this immersive experience.

The Exclusion Zone
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl introduces a fully realized and extraordinarily vast open world, divided into several regions covering about 60 square kilometers. This achievement marks a historic moment for the series. The founder of GSC, the brother of the studio’s current CEO, had dreamed of creating a 30-square-kilometer explorable world since the first installment. Now, that dream has finally come true.
Each region in Stalker 2 features unique characteristics, with distinct biomes and structures painstakingly recreated by the developers. Buildings, caves, and laboratories have been meticulously handcrafted, with many locations faithfully modeled after real-life sites within the Zone. Additionally, many of these areas are almost entirely explorable. Every building or zone hides the potential for an exciting challenge, a goldmine of resources, or a deadly trap—watch out for the Chimera! The Zone remains alive, shaped by ongoing faction conflicts and shifting power dynamics. These changes deeply affect the territory and even relocate faction bases. Duty and Freedom, in particular, have undergone significant transformations due to the rise of two new factions: WARD and ISRAAC. Both factions emerged after the failure of Project X (also known as C-Consciousness) and now compete for control over the Zone.
Longtime fans will be thrilled to find many iconic areas from previous installments on the map, such as the Cordon, Garbage, Rostock, Chernobyl, Zaton, and Janov. These locations are not only accessible but have been expanded and visually reimagined, creating a remake-like experience that stirs deep nostalgia. However, time has not been kind to the Zone. After ten years, many areas appear ruined or drastically altered, shaped by natural decay or the influence of the factions now occupying them. Yet amidst all the changes, one constant remains: old Sidorovich and the dependable bartender will always welcome you at the Cordon and the 100 Rad Bar. No matter what happens in the Zone, they will be there… waiting for you.

A-Life 2.0
This is the fundamental component of every Stalker game. In this sequel, due to optimization issues and bugs, it was partially implemented in patch 1.11. The incomplete artificial life system stems from challenges in managing the visibility distance of various stalkers. In previous games, the problem was mitigated by the limited map sizes, where A-Life characters would switch to offline mode in areas the player wasn’t in and return to online mode upon the player’s arrival.
A unified world with no divisions, combined with the resource-intensive and unstable Unreal Engine 5, creates a significant challenge. Some areas of the Zone feel “dead,” a major flaw that can compromise the experience. The AI struggles with combat scenarios and spatial awareness. For instance, in Shadow of Chernobyl, a group of four stalkers or Duty members could efficiently handle bandits, dogs, or mutants using a reasonable amount of ammunition. In the current game, however, stalkers waste entire magazines without taking down a single enemy, even after hundreds of shots. The team is working to address these issues, and a fully functional A-Life system will likely be available soon.

Gunfights form the core of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2’s gameplay. The shooting mechanics deliver incredible attention to detail: differences between weapons, as well as the types of bullets used, are immediately noticeable. Compared to earlier games, the system feels more streamlined. Early weapons, such as the Ptm pistol and the sawed-off shotgun, perform more reliably and feel less unstable. Using a pump-action shotgun now proves far more practical than before, making it one of the two main equippable weapons.
Acquiring an SPAS or a CRACKER in the early stages ensures a strong start, while a SLEDGEHAMMER or a TEXAN becomes essential in later phases due to the complexities of the final encounters, including the three potential boss fights. Assault rifles shine in their detailed design. The different AK models highlight nuances in weight, damage, and stability, showcasing the developers’ meticulous work.
Top-tier weapons include the AR, the GP37, and the outstanding Kharod, celebrated for their reliability and adaptability across various combat scenarios. Enemy AI struggles to coordinate effectively, marking the main weak point of combat. Even though enemy precision (aimbot) has been toned down, shots still feel automatic once the player is targeted accurately, diminishing the sense of realism. The damage and healing system requires adjustments. Enemies often absorb an excessive number of bullets before going down. A patch reduced the “bullet sponge” effect, but frustrating situations persist, particularly against armored enemies or mutants.

The bleeding system, a hallmark of the Stalker series, needs refinement. Previously, untreated bleeding never resulted in death, but the current balance feels excessive, potentially driving players to quit prematurely. Resources like medkits and bandages appear frequently, especially for those who explore thoroughly. Experienced stalkers might accumulate thousands of these items simply through careful scavenging. This abundance can be a lifesaver during extreme situations, such as boss fights or unbalanced encounters.
However, spamming healing items, particularly in the second half of the game, may frustrate some players. Support for the game remains in its early stages, and balance issues should improve soon. Armor stands out as a critical component of equipment. The game includes numerous hidden armor sets, each with unique characteristics and protection types. Progressing through the game requires selecting increasingly heavier and more protective armor. The Seva armors, particularly the Duty version, and the Duty armored suit offer some of the best quality and value. To handle boss fights or final sections, exoskeletons are highly recommended. Though difficult to obtain, they provide significant advantages for players.

Traveling Through the Zone
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. does not feature usable vehicles for traversal, so players must rely on walking to move around. Earlier alpha versions of the first game considered vehicle usage, but this option never appeared in subsequent releases. Traveling on foot allows for detailed observation of the game world, but after 40+ hours and countless kilometers covered, this approach can feel tiresome, especially due to the protagonist’s limited stamina. The carry weight limit has increased significantly. Previously capped at 60 kg, extendable to 70 kg with an exoskeleton, the system now offers more leniency, enabling free movement even with 70 kg without requiring an exoskeleton.
Carrying large quantities of items is common, but the scarcity of outposts and traders can pose challenges. Some outposts lack shared storage options, complicating inventory management. Despite these limitations, traveling through the Zone remains an unparalleled experience. Stopping to admire breathtaking landscapes or exploring the interiors of buildings and towns with Soviet-era architecture never loses its charm. Iconic locations such as Pripyat Park, Rostok, and the Cordon retain their undeniable allure.

Vodka, Sausage, and Bread
No stalker feels complete without the iconic Cossack vodka, a staple of the Stalker saga. The hunger system, already present in earlier games, becomes even more refined in this installment, requiring players to carry more food than before. Stalkers still prefer classic foods: bread and sausage. In Rostok, a baker offers the most fragrant loaves in the Zone, while sausages—of questionable origin—and canned meat round out the typical menu.
A new addition in this installment is thirst, which players can “quench” by consuming water, beer, or the classic vodka. Vodka also serves as a remedy for radiation effects, adding to its utility. One particularly impressive detail is the dedicated animation for each type of food or drink, showcasing the developers’ attention to this aspect.

Technical Performance
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl, despite patches addressing significant issues like random crashes, remains in a technically challenging and unstable state. On PC, the situation is especially problematic. Mid-range GPUs struggle to handle the game due to frequent memory leaks and a general lack of optimization. The inability to disable ray tracing worsens the problem, making the game particularly demanding on a platform where customizable graphical settings are essential.
Console versions show greater stability, with each patch steadily improving performance. The Xbox Series S version stands out for its surprising reliability, maintaining stable 30 fps in most scenarios. However, frame rates drop to around 20 fps in areas like the Duga site or during certain cutscenes. The most severe console issues involve save file corruption and losing over 20 hours of progress due to bugs that halt gameplay, such as cutscenes failing to trigger or characters not appearing.
The Future of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, despite its numerous initial issues, offers far more strengths than one might expect. The development team’s incredibly fast response has ensured a satisfying gaming experience for players in a short amount of time. The team has committed to providing continuous support for the game throughout 2025, including free content additions and corrective patches. Among the upcoming features, the next-gen update for Stalker: Legends of the Zone stands out, alongside ongoing support for the original PC versions and two story expansions currently in development.
Through GSC’s significant efforts and its constant engagement with the community, the project achieved extraordinary results in 2024. Despite the IP’s 15-year dormancy and the game’s ambitious scope, it managed to cover development costs and turn a profit within a month. This milestone highlights the series’ enduring appeal, sustained by its players and the dedication of the modding community. Listening to players always pays off.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl
- The Zone and its lore
- Memorable characters (Dalyn, Strelok, Strider, Faust, Sidorovich, the bartender)
- Detailed shooting mechanics
- Unique exploration
- Functional and detailed armor designs
- Well-balanced main missions
- The Skadovsk Ship
- The intricate design of Artifacts
- Pseudo Giants
- Overly accurate enemies
- Bugs that hinder progression
- Sudden crashes
- Save file corruption
- The three boss fights
- Dogs
- FPS drops
- A healing and bleeding system needing improvement