When can you expect our review of the heartwarming cat adventure crafted by Spoonful of Wonder?


For those who may not be aware, the embargo on reviews for Copycat, the highly anticipated feline narrative adventure and debut creation from the innovative collective Spoonful of Wonder, officially expired today, September 16th at 8 AM.

However, if you’ve visited our homepage recently, you might have noticed that our review is still pending. Given the meticulous attention we’ve devoted to covering this game over the past months and keeping you updated with various insights, we felt it necessary to provide a brief update on our progress and when you can expect the review to be published.

We received review codes from the creators Samantha and Kostia approximately two weeks ago—sufficient time to craft a thorough review. So you may be wondering: why, after nearly two weeks, is our review still not live?

The answer lies in the game’s remarkable complexity. To explain: despite its relatively short playtime—just a few hours to reach the credits—the game offers a richly layered narrative where choices have profound impacts on the storyline, with significant repercussions on our experience. This narrative richness required us to meticulously weigh our decisions and explore various pathways, often necessitating not just one, but occasionally two or even three playthroughs to fully appreciate its depth and subtleties.

Furthermore, another crucial factor in the delay has been our commitment to thoroughly evaluating the game’s technical and audio aspects, as well as its overall optimization. To ensure a well-rounded review, we tested the game on both PC and Steam Deck, allowing us to provide a comparative analysis that highlights the strengths, weaknesses, and key differences between the platforms.

To address the question we’ve been pondering: when will our review be available? After thorough playthroughs and careful consideration of the ideal timing, we’ve decided that September 19th—the day Copycat officially launches on PC via Steam—is the perfect moment. This timing not only allows us to finalize our analysis but also pays homage to the developers for their outstanding professionalism and support, while giving their game an additional boost—something we sincerely hope to achieve. Francesco Mastrodicasa and Laura Rosada are diligently working on the review, having tested the game on both PC and Steam Deck.

In the meantime, we invite you to visit the game’s X account for the latest updates. If you’re curious about our initial impressions of Copycat, be sure to check out our preview, if you haven’t already.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned!