Metal Slug tactics has a release date. Dotemu released a trailer which, in addition to several news reports, also announces the release date of the game.
We already talked about this title a long time ago, doing an article on the Reveal Trailer.
Two days ago and like a bolt from the blue, Dotemu released a new trailer for Metal Slug Tactics. After the first reveal trailer which dates back to June 10, 2021, contact with the title was lost until 4 months ago. In fact, Dotemu began to publish several videos about the game. Especially a gameplay trailer where a generic Fall 2024 appears at the end.
For the more nostalgic, there is a beautiful video called Metal Slug Tactics – Legacy. Retraces with interviews with old SNK developers until arriving at the meeting with Dotemu and Leikir Studio.
After these timid signals, a release date trailer was released on October 22, 2024 where a date appears, November 5, 2024.
Well yes! Metal Slug Tactics is real and is closer than ever!

What’s Boiling in the Pot?
The Peregrine Falcon Squad has returned to face its old enemy and save the world again from General Morden.
While the gameplay trailer shows some very interesting things, for now I’ll just keep it brief.
Meanwhile, Metal Slug Tactics is officially a strategic tactical RPG with roguelite elements. The perks and skill loadouts to be chosen in a central hub before leaving for the mission are confirmed. There is also an Armory where you can choose the weapons to equip and the load outs to apply. Missions have secondary objectives that give various additional bonuses.
Furthermore there is the mechanics of the vehicles which seem to be very strong once on the battlefield.
The maps are varied and well diversified from each other, with even a vertical construction of the battlefield.
I would also like to talk about the mechanics of Sync and the characters’ Special Abilities and many other things. I will do it in a more in-depth article, because the mechanics deserve a good analysis.
The Real News
What is surprising about the Metal Slug Tactics trailer, in addition to the imminent release date, are the 3 new usable characters.
So in addition to the 4 classic heroes available, we will have 7 characters to choose from in total.
In order of appearance they are: Clark Still, Leona Heidern and Ralf Jones.

For those who don’t know the whole Metal Slug saga, I’ll refresh your memory a bit.
Clark and Ralf are selectable characters in Metal Slug 6.
Both Ralf and Clark originally appeared in the Ikari Warriors series. In the U.S. and European versions of Ikari Warriors, they took the names Paul and Vince respectively. Both also appeared in The King of Fighters game series, under their original names.
Leona originally appeared in the King of Fighters series. In every team game she participated in so far she collaborates with Ralf and Clark.
She is currently the only playable character in a Metal Slug game to appear as DLC. In the PlayStation 4 and Steam versions of Metal Slug XX, Leona is available from the beginning.
All 3 seem to have a very diversified and spectacular set of perks and skills at the same time.
Metal Slug Tactics will arrive on November 5th on Steam, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PS5, XBOX ONE, XBOX SERIES S|X.